Category Archives: Security Tips
Billboards can track your location, and privacy advocates hate it
Clear Channel Outdoor launches a new geolocation tracking service as a way to deliver targeted ads
If you return a tech gift this Christmas, make sure you erase all your data first
You’d never just give your phone or tablet away to a stranger on the street, would you?
I had sought out the most run-down, crappiest tablet I could buy for our buying guide on productivity tablets, as an example of what not to buy during the holiday season. The Visual Land tablet I found for about $70 was two years old, with visible pixels and a loose power connector. I powered it up, just to ensure that it would work… and discovered that it was still keyed to someone else.
How to turn on Windows 10’s Find My Device feature
How to turn on Windows 10’s Find My Device feature?
Find My Device in Windows 10 doesn’t do a whole lot right now. There isn’t a way to have your tablet make a sound, lock itself, erase data, or anything like that. Instead, you can only find out where its last known general location was.
9 ways to keep your Windows computer safe
Evil people roam the Internet. Here’s an overview of what you need to do to protect yourself.
And that means that us honest folk have to be extra cautious. Protecting yourself in cyberspace is more complex than locking your door or keeping a hand on your bag.
I’m concentrating here with protecting your Windows PC.
Windows’ thumbs.db files: What they are, and what to do when they get in your way
Windows loves to create thumbs.db files, but they can cause problems, especially on a network. Here’s what you can do about them.
Windows will occasionally create a thumbs.db file for a given folder as a way to quickly display thumbnail images. You won’t see thumbs.db files unless you set Windows/File Explorer to show hidden files, but they’re there. On a modern PC, they’re pretty much harmless…and useless. But they can cause problems.