Category Archives: Security News

Malicious advertisements on major websites lead to ransomware

Malicious advertisements on domains belonging to Disney, Facebook, The Guardian newspaper and others are leading people to malware that encrypts a computer’s files until a ransom is paid, Cisco Systems has found.

AT&T wants to improve overseas credit-card fraud prevention via phone geolocation

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AT&T plans to test a service allowing payment card providers to access the location of a customer’s phone to improve the accuracy of fraud prevention systems for transactions made abroad.

A year after Snowden revelations, Microsoft demands NSA reform

Microsoft has asked the U.S. government to recognize that its search warrants should end at the country’s borders, reflecting growing concern that surveillance by the U.S. National Security Agency could impact business abroad for tech companies.

Groups launch Reset the Net campaign to resist NSA surveillance

A coalition of digital rights groups and Internet companies has launched a campaign, called Reset the Net, to encourage Web users and Internet companies to take measures to use surveillance-resistant privacy tools.

Comcast plans to encrypt email exchanged with Google’s Gmail

Comcast plans to work with Google to encrypt email exchanged between its own servers and Gmail, a Comcast spokesman said on Tuesday night.