PC Cleaning Tools

Auslogics Registry Defrag

Defragment and accelerate the Windows Registry
Date added: October, 20th 2014
Author: Auslogics Pty Ltd
File size: / License: 5.5 MB / Free

One of the parts of the system we don’t care when maintaining the system is the registry. The data in it has an influence on all the operations taken in the PC, so it’s good to have it in order.

Auslogics Registry Defrag is a free application for Windows that will defragment the registry of our operating system and by that way you’ll power up your computer and it will work better than ever.

It analyzes the disposition of the data in the registry and put it in order, defragment it so the reading process will be faster than ever.

This makes Auslogics Registry Defrag to be a very useful tool for the PC performance… and it’s free.


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